Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Cuticle Database. We hope you find it useful.
By using the Cuticle Database, you agree to abide by the following terms:

Permitted Uses and Attribution

The data and images in the Cuticle Database may be reproduced, distributed, and displayed for non-commercial purposes, in ways typically permitted as ‘Fair Use’ and ‘Classroom Use’. This includes certain educational and research activities, provided that the source of the material is fully acknowledged and further permission is obtained for use of the material in publications, as noted below. Please acknowledge the Cuticle Database in your presentations or publications as follows:

R.S. Barclay, P. Wilf, D.L. Dilcher, and J.C. McElwain, 2012, The Cuticle Database Project, The Earth and Environmental Systems Institute of Pennsylvania State University [Version 1.1, 10th May 2012], http://cuticledb.eesi.psu.edu/.

The Cuticle Database is provided on an “as was” basis, and the Cuticle Database, its Project Coordinators, and contributors disclaim any and all warranties of any kind relating to material available in the Cuticle Database.

Prohibited Uses

Use of any images or data from the Cuticle Database that is in any manner for commercial gain, or that involves reproduction, display, or distribution of significant portions of content, whether at once or in aggregate, or deposition in an alternative web site or document repository is strictly prohibited.

Permission Need for Publication and Other Uses

Contributors of the images in the Cuticle Database own all right, title, and interest in their contributions, subject to the rights granted here. Permission from the Contributor(s) should be obtained prior to publication of images or meta-data, such as publication in manuscripts for scientific publication, textbooks, and on-line publications. The Project Coordinators of the Cuticle Database can provide contact information for each Contributor.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Richard Barclay and Peter Wilf, on behalf of the Cuticle Database participants.